

Feel free and welcome to contribute to this project. You can start with filing issues and ideas for improvement in GitHub tracker. Our favorite thoughts from The Zen of Python:

  • Beautiful is better than ugly.

  • Simple is better than complex.

  • Readability counts.

We respect the PEP8 Style Guide for Python Code. Here’s a couple of recommendations to keep on mind when writing code:

  • Maximum line length is 99 for code and 72 for documentation.

  • Comments should be complete sentences.

  • The first word should be capitalized (unless identifier).

  • When using hanging indent, the first line should be empty.

  • The closing brace/bracket/parenthesis on multiline constructs is under the first non-whitespace character of the last line


It is challenging to be both concise and descriptive, but that is what a well-written summary should do. Consider the commit message as something that will be pasted into release notes:

  • The first line should have up to 50 characters.

  • Complete sentence with the first word capitalized.

  • Should concisely describe the purpose of the patch.

  • Do not prefix the message with file or module names.

  • Other details should be separated by a blank line.

Why should I care?

  • It helps others (and yourself) find relevant commits quickly.

  • The summary line will be re-used later (e.g. for rpm changelog).

  • Some tools do not handle wrapping, so it is then hard to read.

  • You will make the maintainers happy to read beautiful commits :)

You can get some more context in the stackoverflow article.


In order to experiment, play with the latest bits and develop improvements it is best to use a virtual environment:

mkvirtualenv fmf
git clone
cd fmf
pip install -e .

Install python3-virtualenvwrapper to easily create and enable virtual environments using mkvirtualenv and workon. Note that if you have freshly installed the package you need to open a new shell session to enable the wrapper functions.

Install the pre-commit hooks to run all available checks for your commits to the project:

pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install

Or simply install all extra dependencies to make sure you have everything needed for the development ready on your system:

pip install '.[all]'


There are several Makefile targets defined to make the common daily tasks easy & efficient:

make test

Execute the test suite.

make smoke

Perform quick basic functionality test.

make coverage

Run the test suite under coverage and report results.

make docs

Build documentation.

make packages

Build rpm and srpm packages.

make tags

Create or update the Vim tags file for quick searching. You might want to use set tags=./tags; in your .vimrc to enable parent directory search for the tags file as well.

make clean

Cleanup all temporary files.


Run the default set of tests directly on your localhost:

tmt run

To run tests using pytest with the test coverage overview:

make coverage

Install pytest and coverage using dnf or pip:

dnf install python3-pytest python3-coverage
pip install .[tests]


For building documentation locally install necessary modules:

pip install .[docs]

Make sure docutils are installed in order to build man pages:

dnf install python3-docutils

Building documentation is then quite straightforward:

make docs

Find the resulting html pages under the docs/_build/html folder.